Below is a list of organisations that may be helpful to you:
Sands NZ Sands NZ is a nationwide network of support groups for parents and families who have experienced the death of a baby at any gestation or age, and under any circumstances. Sands provides support in the community through support meetings and face to face support, offers training and education for professionals and provides baskets, clothing and memory making items and services to (most) hospitals throughout the country.
True Colours Children's Health Trust The dedicated and compassionate staff at True Colours ensure the right mix of care is provided to support your child and family through the difficulties and grief of a chronic, life-limiting or life-threatening illness. Their unique integrated model of care ensures the entire family will be helped throughout your time of need. This holistic approach is provided as part of a free service to families in the greater Waikato region.
Skylight Skylight is a national not for profit trust that enables children, young people, their family/whanau and friends to navigate through times of trauma, loss and grief.
Forever Present A small organisation set up by two mothers who experienced infant loss. They raise funds to provide care boxes to families who experience a SUDI death. The boxes are distributed through SUDI Liaison Officers as part of the coronial process.
Project Heal Project Heal is artist Carly Marie's place of healing and transformation, growth and learning. It is a place where she writes about her heartwork, her life, what is inspiring her, what she is working on, what her children are teaching her, what this life is teaching her. She writes often at her facebook page, it is filled with her photographs and stories. Project Heal is not just about healing from this terribly dark experience, it is about growing into your life again. It is about reconnecting to yourself and discovering new ways of life. We live not only for ourselves now but for our children too.
Babyloss NZ A South Auckland-based group set up in 2014, Baby Loss NZ also has branches in Hauraki/Piako and Christchurch. Their main service is the provision of Care Bags and their Tangible Memory Making Service, and they also hold coffee mornings, run baby loss awareness events and provide training and education for health professionals.
A Star is Born A Dunedin group providing memory making for bereaved families, set up in 2016. The service provides hand and foot casting, photography, products and keepsakes at no cost to families, and is a voluntary organisation.
Miscarriage Support Miscarriage Support (Auckland) is a voluntary web based group that provides comprehensive information about miscarriage and associated topics on their website. They provide a pamphlet, Understanding Miscarriage, to hospital and health professionals throughout the country.
Project Butterfly A Nelson-based group set up to provide a memorial pathway for bereaved families and provide funding for counselling and therapy sessions.
Heartfelt Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from across NZ and Australia dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirth, premature births, or have children with serious or terminal illnesses. All services are provided free of charge.
Twin Loss NZ Web based support for families who have experienced the loss of a twin, triplet or a baby in a multiple birth. Twin Loss connects parents with a similar experience, have an active Facebook group and produce a newsletter. Families run informal coffee groups throughout NZ.
Oliver's Angels A Taranaki group providing memory making for bereaved families in the Taranaki region, set up in 2016. The service provides hand and foot casting and photography at no cost to families, and is a voluntary organisation.